Amanda Wingo.

Stage Manager. Writer. Director. Artist.

  • Work by Amanda

    As well as her experience backstage, Amanda is a Director, Writer, and Singer. She believes that staying true to her creative roots allows her to be the best, most well-rounded artist she can be.

  • Amanda's Experience

    Amanda’s experience on and off stage have helped her grow as an artist and communicator. She has worked in a variety of theaters, from outdoor theaters with the unpredictability of torrential rain, to small theaters that seat less than 65 patrons.

  • Talk to Amanda

    Amanda loves to be a part of any creative process! She aims to make a difference through art’s ability to teach empathy and understanding. Amanda approaches each project with passion and drive; she values the relationships she builds with other artists as they work together to execute their joint visions.

    Want to add her to your team?